
Helping Negative People

For the past few months, I’ve had many different conversations with people who have either gone through or are currently going through some form of “separation” in their lives.

This can be in the form of a marriage break-up, or a relationship break-up between couples, a break-up between friends or even family members.

It may even be in the form of a work relationship ending.

Even though the circumstances are different in every case, there seems to be a lot of “separation” happening right now.

It is as if there is a call from the Universe or the spirit world, guiding people who are positive and uplifting to separate themselves from their “negatron” friends, family members or co-workers.

I have noticed this all around me.

Why the Separation

I believe this separation is being orchestrated by our Higher Selves at a spiritual level.

I believe our Higher Selves are basically saying “Enough is enough, time to focus on ourselves.”

For years, and maybe even decades a lot of us who are positive and uplifting have been desperately trying to uplift and help others to “see the light”.

As of 2012, however, it is as if there is a call to now simply “let go and let be”.

Meaning, it is time for us to now focus on accelerating our own growth and development by getting around other positive / uplifting people, instead of trying to “rescue the negatrons”.

Playing the “rescue the negatron” game was fun and entertaining for us, but it is now time for us to play a new game moving forward.

The new game is called “Let’s see just how far we can take things in the positive direction when we’re not being held back by negatrons.”

As one small example of this, for the past 3 months or so I have started to completely delete and eradicate any negative comments or feedback on my Blog.

Meaning, if anyone leaves a stupid, negative comment that serves absolutely no purpose other than to just spread fear or negativity, I instantly nuke it off my Blog.

In the past I would usually approve positive or negative comments on my Blog, if for nothing more than the fact that negative comments often stir up controversy and conversations.

Now I just nuke them.

Same thing with emails. If I receive negative emails from people, I nuke the emails and unsubscribe them from my email list.

I simply do not want anything to do with negative people anymore. They can go “play” somewhere else.

I have been doing the same thing in my life as well.

I am not letting negative people “be” negative around me. I call people out on that right away nowadays and if they don’t want to change, I simply don’t put myself in their presence.
How to Help Negative People

Many positive people who have friends or family members or significant others who are “negatrons” have asked me how they can help those people best.

The advice I now give them is to simply leave those people alone and to let them experience the instant manifestations of their negative energies.

Let me explain what I mean by this.

Firstly, I believe that we all manifest our realities through our thoughts (conscious and subconscious), beliefs (conscious and subconscious), actions (conscious and habitual) and the energy that we “put out” into the world.

People who have a positive / empowering / uplifting energy around all of these things produce positive / empowering / uplifting results in their lives.

People who have a negative / dis-empowering / depressing energy around all of these things produce negative / dis-empowering / depressing results in their lives.

The challenge that we run into as positive / uplifting people is that we are constantly trying to “fix” things for negative people so as to prevent them from experiencing the results of their negativity.

The problem with this is that by doing this we are stopping them from learning the truth behind how the Universe really works.

For example, imagine that you have a really negative person who is a friend of yours…

…and imagine that they come over to your house and they start talking about how crappy their car is. Imagine they spend 30 minutes talking about how much they hate their car, how they think it’s a piece of crap, how the workmanship is crappy, and how they wish they never bought it etc.

Now imagine that 15mins after that, they get in that car to drive home and 10mins later that car breaks down on them.

That type of “instant karma” might — not always, but just might — help them to form the correlation between what they are thinking, saying and projecting and the reality that they create.

They just might put the two and two together and think to themselves “Hmmm… I said my car was a piece of crap, and 10mins later it broke down…interesting.”

Most likely they won’t realize this at first, but when they create enough of these types of events, they might just put two and two together and come to the conclusion that they are in fact MANIFESTING their own REALITY!

Now let’s take another – more likely scenario.

Your friend comes over and starts talking about how crappy their car is. They are being super negative and doing nothing but just complaining about the car.

Since you are a positive / uplifting person, you then start telling them stuff like “Oh come on, it’s not that bad. It’s not the best car in the world, but it’s been pretty reliable.”

You go through this dance of negative / positive / negative / positive and after a while, your friend leaves to go home.

This time around, on their way back home, however, the car does NOT break down. The car is fine.

Your positive energy has essentially “saved” them from having to experience the negative results of their negative energy.

In fact because your energy is so positive, their negativity didn’t cause their car to break down for another 3 weeks, when one day they are driving home from a supermarket, thinking about something totally different and then BAM – their car breaks down.

By this time, however, they have totally forgotten about the 30 minute “hate fest” of negative energy they sent towards their cars.

And so they don’t learn their lesson.

In such a situation, when you have a negative person who has surrounded themselves with at least a few positive people, these negative type people tend to end up living in a world they believe to be random / chaotic.

Sometimes they are very negative, and they instantly manifest their worst fears.

Sometimes they are very negative, and they don’t manifest their worst fears.

Sometimes they are very negative, and really positive things manifest in their lives.

The reason this happens is because the positive / empowering people in their lives are neutralizing and often times even reversing the flow of their “instant karma” with their positive energy.

This is not in the highest good of the “negatrons”.

Negative people will never learn the truth about manifesting their own reality as long as positive / uplifting people keep “rescuing” them behind the scenes.

Metaphorically speaking, we have to let the negatrons touch the stove and get burned just a little bit – so that they learn not to touch the stove.

Every seemingly “negative” situation in these people’s lives carries with it a lesson and a seed of personal empowerment. When we “rescue” people from such situations we are actually hurting them by not allowing them to learn the lesson themselves, and we steal the seed of energy that was there meant for them.

As positive / uplifting people, we must learn that the best – and most likely the ONLY way – we can really influence the “negatrons” is through the clarity of our own example.

The best way to help someone who is drowning in debt, is to become financially independent yourself.

The best way to help someone from disease and sickness, is to become healthy and fit yourself.

The best way to help anyone with anything is to simply BE an example of the energy that they need to BE in order to solve their challenges.
Help Seekers

What I’m describing above does NOT apply to those people who come to you asking for help, who are seeking a solution to their problems, and who are willing to change.

Meaning, if someone is unhealthy and you are a healer and they come to you seeking healing, there is nothing wrong with helping them with that.

Or if someone comes to you seeking financial advice or business advice or any other type of advice and you are wanting to help them with that area of life, there is nothing wrong with that.

That is not what I am referring to above.

What I’m referring to are the negative / dis-empowering people in your life who are NOT asking you for help, but who are instead just wanting to be in your presence to spew their negativity.

These types of people are NOT looking to change, or grow or to empower themselves. They are just looking to BE negative and to get away with it.

If however you have someone coming to you for help and they are ready for change and willing to change, then of course you can help them!

One of the best ways to separate the type of people who are “negatrons” and who just want to be “negatrons” from those types of people who genuinely want to and are willing to change is to ask them what they are willing to GIVE UP for the advice / help they are seeking.

Are they willing to pay for your advice / help?

Are they willing to exchange a service for your help?

Are they willing to take your advice and read books, listen to audios, or invest in other forms of empowering themselves?

Are they willing to change their thoughts, beliefs, habits to make a change in their lives?

Are they willing to invest time, energy and/or money into their transformation?

If they are not willing to do any of the above, then you’ve simply got a “negatron” on your hands who WANTS to be a “negatron” because most likely they haven’t yet experienced the repercussions of their negativity in full force yet.

They have most likely been “rescued” by you or someone else over and over and over again so they’re perfectly “happy” being “negatrons” and continuing to spew their negative energy everywhere they go with no consequences.

The best way you can help such people is to stop “rescuing” them right now.

Let the Universe be their teacher.

Let them touch the hot stove and learn for themselves.

That is the best way to help them.

I know it’s not easy to watch people “suffer” the consequences of their negativity, but honestly that is the only way they will learn.

By “rescuing” them, you are simply prolonging their suffering while at the same time using them as an excuse for avoiding your own path of new growth and experiences.

Goal Setting

The Goal of Setting Goals

There is a simple and very effective way to develop your confidence in achieving goals.

It’s a simple concept, but it goes against what you’ll typically hear from other “gurus” out there when it comes to setting and achieving goals.

Typically when setting goals, we are taught to think big and set big goals.

For example, let’s say that you started a new part-time business and you’re sitting down to get clear on your goals.

Let’s say that you currently have zero clients and you decide to set a goal to get ten new clients this month.

Let’s assume that getting ten new clients is a fairly large undertaking and really you would be pretty impressed with yourself if you got just five or even three new clients this month, but you set a goal of ten to stretch yourself.

This is usually what most “gurus” will teach you. They will say that if you think you can get 3-5 new clients this month, it’s better to go for 10 and maybe you’ll end up getting 6 or 8 but that will still be better than going for 3-5.

I used to think this way as well.

However, with my new training I have come to realize that it is much more effective to set goals that make it easy to win.

For example, if I believe that I can get 3-5 new customers in my new business this month, what I would do is set a goal to get just ONE.

Yes, I realize this goes against what most “gurus” out there teach – since they all recommend setting large goals and targets, but that is NOT the most effective method to use.

It is actually much better to set an easily attainable goal of simply just getting just ONE new customer in your business, and NOT putting a deadline on it at all.

If it takes you a month, or a year, or 5 minutes to get that first customer, it doesn’t matter.

Your first goal is simply to just get ONE customer.

If you are starting a new Blog, your goal could be simply to just write ONE blog post, or to get ONE comment, etc.

See, if you set a goal to get just ONE new customer, once you get that customer you have now achieved ONE goal. When you do this, your confidence will go up. When you confidence goes up, it makes it easier for you to achieve your next goal.

Once you achieve your goal of getting just ONE customer, you set a goal to just get ONE MORE. That’s it. Your goal is NOT to get 10 or 5 or even 3 more customers. It’s simply to just get ONE MORE.

Once you get ONE MORE, you have now achieved 2 goals in a row. Your confidence will go up, and it will make it easier for you to achieve your next goal.

By doing this, on your path towards getting those 10 new customers, you will be “Winning” ten times in a row.

You will win/achieve your goal of getting the 1st customer – and your confidence will go up.

You will win/achieve your goal of getting the 2nd customer – and your confidence will go up.

You will win/achieve your goal of getting the 3rd customer – and your confidence will go up.

You will win/achieve your goal of getting the 4th customer – and your confidence will go up.


By the time you get your 10th customer, your confidence will be WAY higher than if you simply set a goal to get 10 customers in the first place.

Secondly, if you DID set your goal of getting 10 customers and set a deadline for the end of the month, and then you ended up only getting 8 customers at the end of the month it may seem like that is a better situation to be in as compared to choosing a lower goal, but it is not.

The reason for this is that if you set a goal to get 10 customers, and you only get 8, your subconscious mind will LOWER you self-confidence automatically.

You are better off setting a goal to get 1 customer, and then 1 more , and then one more, and ending the month with only 3 new customers, than setting a goal of getting 10 customers and getting 8.

Eight new customers may seem like a better situation to be in than just three new customers, but the difference is in what happens the following month.

By setting the goal/bar too high and then not achieving your goal, your confidence WILL go down, and it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to keep achieving goals.

Instead it is infinitely more beneficial to set small, easily achievable goals and then blast through them.

I’ve been following this advice since becoming a member of the and it’s been really helping me out.

Abundance Goal Setting

Personal Development History

As I’ve been advancing in the one-of-a-kind Lifestyle Awareness training that I get access to as a member, I have started to notice huge differences between the training that I’m getting access to and everything else that I have seen out there on the same topic.

I’m no “newb” to personal development. At last count I have spent well over $56k on over 1,000 personal development books, courses, seminars and trainings over the past 16 years. That is prior to joining the .

In all that time, I have never seen anything that matches the quality of training that I get access to as a member.

Over the past few months, however, I’ve had some “discussions” with people who are also in the Personal Development space who have been debating with me whether or not the training is “that good”, or whether it’s worth the price etc.

All of these people have never listened to any training put out by GIN, but they claim to “know” that it’s nothing new. Their opinion is that all the training in is all the same stuff you can get anywhere else, on the Internet etc.

These people simply “Don’t Know What They Don’t Know”. They have NO CLUE what kind of training we get access to as members, but somehow they claim to “KNOW” for sure, that it can’t be that good.

Meanwhile, with a rare exception in a few cases, their lives are a complete train-wreck.

The are unhappy, usually financially broke or going through huge turmoils, emotionally bankrupt and overall just tired and miserable.

At the same time though, they are completely ADDICTED to either ONE or MULTIPLE personal development “Gurus” and the theories that they present.

They want to debate theories with me, as to what sounds good to them, and what makes logical sense. When they ask me what teaches and I give them a few simple examples, they argue that there is no way that those teachings could be true.

Their “proof” that the teachings are false, is something they read in some book somewhere, or their own logical mind telling them “It can’t be that way.”

Most of these people have no clue that they are riddled with failure habits. The biggest one of them all being the “Oh I already *know* that” habit.

For example, they say “Oh, I already know all about the Law of Attraction and how to use it.”


If that’s the case, then WHY ARE YOU BROKE? Why is your life in shambles?!

The truth is that they have NO CLUE about the Law of Attraction. Yes, they may know ABOUT the Law of Attraction, and they might know a lot of theories on the subject, but they don’t *know* the Law of Attraction.

Shit, I’ve been studying the Law of Attraction for 11 years. I’ve manifested everything from a plum pudding to a $400k boost in my income in one year using it. I’ve even written and published a book on the Law of Attraction.

Yet, even after all that, I still realize every day that what I know about the Law of Attraction is NOTHING. I’ve barely scratched the surface of understanding how it works and how to make it work in my life.

However, by being TEACHABLE I’m now learning some amazing things about how to manifest amazing things in my life. I don’t presume to make idiotic statements like “Oh I already *know* everything about the law of attraction.”
The Ultimate Test

The ultimate test for being a student of personal development is simply this… CAN YOU PRODUCE THE RESULTS YOU WANT?

If not, then you don’t know shit… KEEP LEARNING!

Do the THEORIES that you are learning about in the books that you are reading actually PRODUCE RESULTS in your life? If not, then they are crap!

It doesn’t matter how nice the theories sound. It doesn’t matter how LOGICAL they sound, or how “EVERYONE” agrees with you… if the THEORY doesn’t produce results, then it’s crap. Either the theory is wrong, or you’re missing something, or you’re doing something wrong. Either way, you’ve got to keep looking, and keep staying coachable in the process.

For example, I remember once reading somewhere that THE ONLY way to “unlock” your intuitive/psychic abilities is to stop eating meat for at least 30 days.

I read this really interesting theory about how the energy of the animals that you are eating, when you eat meat, is preventing you from opening up your intuitive abilities and anyone who goes vegetarian for even just 30 days would experience a massive boost in their intuitive abilities.

So I tried it out. For 30 days (actually longer) I didn’t eat any meat products at all. So what happened then? Did my intuitive abilities improve? Nope. No difference. None at all.

I went back to eating meat and found other ways to improve my intuitive abilities that actually worked. It was an interesting theory, but for me it didn’t produce ANY RESULTS so I just dropped it.

That’s the ultimate test.

This is exactly why I *love* the training that the produces. Everyone I share it with starts to produce tangible results in their lives, as if by magic.

One friend of mine who I shared the set with has already experienced huge differences in her personal life, in her husband’s life and in their businesses.

I had a conversation with another friend of mine just this past Friday. She just became a member very recently, and last Friday we were having a conversation on the phone, during which she decided to put some energy and focus on trying to manifest some extra money using the teachings. This morning she called me, excited because she had already manifested $4,000.

Another friend of mine wanted to manifest a new car because her old one was completely falling apart. This weekend she just got a new car.

Another friend of mine wanted to manifest a new job as the one he had he didn’t like. He is a pilot and wanted to get into float plane flying, and just this past week he manifested a new job where he will have the opportunity to fly float planes.

I have DOZENS and DOZENS and DOZENS of real-life testimonials from regular people who I introduced to the training as well as the , and all of them have been manifesting REAL TANGIBLE RESULTS in their lives.

A lot of these people have already heard about the Law of Attraction. They have read books on it. They studied with various “gurus” but their results were CRAP. At best they were able to manifest a few things here and there sporadically, but now they are manifesting amazing things all the time.

Ask yourself… Are the THEORIES that you have been taught in the world of Personal Development actually PRODUCING RESULTS for you in your life?

Are they?

Or are they just theories that sound good, and “make sense” and everyone around you agrees with them, but they don’t produce results???

RESULTS. That is the only test that matters.

Are you getting the results you want in your life, RIGHT NOW?

Goal Setting Health

Getting out of Rut

You may be stuck in a self-created, personal development “rut” and not even be aware of it.

Has your total yearly income increased by at least 10%-50% in the last few years?

Have your relationships gotten better in the last few years?

Has your health significantly improved in the last few years?

Are you happier and more positive now than you were a few years ago?

If not, than you may be stuck in a personal development rut, self-created by a set of mystical limiting beliefs you have been led to believe define reality.

As a personal development fanatic I have read well over 1,000 personal development books over the last 15 years. Up until about 9 months ago I thought that my life was progressing along nicely, but then I had a gut check and started asking myself some of these tougher questions I mentioned above.

Belief Mirroring Scam

One of the ways that the personal development books and seminars I was attending were actually hurting my progress, instead of helping me, was through the process of “belief mirroring”.

What is “belief mirroring”?

Basically the process of belief mirroring is to simply take the already existing beliefs of a person and then to mirror those beliefs back to them.

When it comes to personal development books, many books are nothing more that just mirrors. They essentially identify the very specific target market that they want to write for, and they then create a beliefs profile of their target market, and then a book is written which mirrors those beliefs right back at the person reading the book.

The end result is that the person reads the book, realizes that the author BELIEVES in the same BELIEFS that the reader does and a bond is created.

The reader thinks to himself “I love this book! It is amazing! I learned so much. This is a great author!”

However, in reality the reader hasn’t learned a thing. No new beliefs were created. No new cognition’s were discovered. No transformation happened.

All the book did is simply reflect back at the reader all the same beliefs that they already had.

Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself “This book just doesn’t resonate with me. I don’t know why, but I find it hard to read.”

If so, this may be a GOOD THING, not a bad thing.

You see, in order for transformation to happen. In order for us to evolve in our beliefs, we must find books that don’t just mirror our beliefs, but which EVOLVE them.

If a book doesn’t resonate with you, chances are that it is challenging your beliefs. This is a good thing. A good personal development book should challenge your beliefs – and not just mirror back the beliefs you already have.

That doesn’t mean that all personal development books that don’t resonate with you should be listened to either. It just means that your beliefs are being challenged. It is then up to you to see if the new set of beliefs will serve you better than your current set of beliefs.

The trick is to find books that challenge you, your thinking and your beliefs – and then to make decisions as to what information to accept from these books.

I find too many people only read books that “resonate” with them, and that keeps them stuck in their existing set of beliefs.

You are better off reading books that will challenge your thinking and your existing beliefs – if you are seeking to improve your life that is.

Challenge Your Own Beliefs

Take some of your most basic beliefs in a specific area of life and challenge them yourself.

If you are a medical doctor, or a surgeon and you absolutely believe that chiropractic medicine is a scam, and that all “those people” are charlatans, try to challenge that belief. Why not meet with a chiropractor and see their perspective and try their beliefs on for size for a bit to see how they see medicine, healing and what being a doctor is all about.

If you’re a chiropractor who believes that surgery and pharmaceuticals are a scam, why not challenge your beliefs? Why not take a surgeon to lunch and try to understand their set of beliefs. Maybe you’ll learn something.

If you believe that the stock market is a scam, why not challenge those beliefs a bit and see if you can learn something new.

If you believe that the real estate market is a scam, why not challenge that belief?

If you believe that vegetarians are crazy people, why not try to learn a bit about their beliefs? If you believe that people who eat meat are horrible people, why not try to understand their beliefs for a bit?

If you believe Hondas are the best car out there, and you hate Toyotas, why not take a Toyota for a test drive.

By putting yourself through the process of challenging your beliefs, you will learn an incredible amount about yourself and your beliefs.

I’m not saying all of your beliefs will change, or that ANY of them will change. In fact your existing beliefs may even get stronger. My point is that the exercise of challenging your own beliefs is a VERY useful personal development technique.

You’re Holding Yourself Back

You are holding yourself back from whatever you want to achieve in life.

If you are not happy with your health, it is YOU who is holding yourself back. It is not the medical system, or your doctor, or your genes, or your parents, or your insurance company, or your disease, or any other external “thing” out there. It is you.

If you are not happy with your income or the size of your bank account, it is YOU who is holding you back. It is not all the rich people out there, the banks, the governments, the insurance companies, the scammers or anything or anyone else out there. YOU are holding yourself from complete financial abundance.

YOU are holding yourself back from having the best relationships in your life.

It is all YOU.

All of your current conscious and subconscious beliefs and programs that are running through your mind are manifesting the reality you are currently experiencing. YOU are ultimately in control over those beliefs and programs, even if you’re not even currently aware that they exist.

Are YOU Willing to Accept Change?

Are you honestly happy with your progress in the last 2-5 years?

If not, then YOU have to change something in order to experience a different reality.

The only way your life is going to change is if YOU decide to let go of at least some of your existing, limiting beliefs and programs running in your mind.

It is impossible for your reality to shift and transform and change if your beliefs, programs and energetic vibration remain the same.

Something has to change in order for something to change.

Reading books that reflect your limiting beliefs right back to you feels comfortable and safe, but it kills your progress.

Hanging out with people who reflect our limiting beliefs right back to you feels comfortable and safe, but it kills your progress.

Watching TV shows and movies and visiting website on the Internet that simply reflect all your existing limiting beliefs right back to you feels comfortable and safe, but it kills your progress.

Are you ready for change?


Creating Manifestations in your Life

This is a question I have asked myself many times over the last 15 years and it’s something that a lot of my coaching students and friends have directly and indirectly asked me about as well.

A lot of people today use words and phrases like “I manifested this” or “I attracted this” or “I created this”, or even more often “I didn’t manifest this” or “I didn’t attract this” or “I didn’t create this!”.

But what do such phrases actually mean?

Well, what I’ve realized recently is that while a lot of people use language where they talk about “manifesting” or “attracting” or “creating” things, events or situations in their lives – a lot of times this language means totally different things to different people.

From my observations, people tend to go through five levels of understanding / meaning when it comes to “manifesting”.

Level 1 – The Newtonian Perspective

People who view the world through a Level 1 lens or perspective see the universe as an objective, separate entity that exists “out there”, separate from them or anyone else.

In this Level 1 perspective, the universe is a collection of galaxies, stars and planetary systems all separate from one another.

Every human on the planet, every animal, plant, and object is viewed as completely separate entities.

When people who are at this level of thinking talk about “manifesting things”, they refer to a set of action steps that they have taken – or that someone else has taken at their request – which produce a specific result in their lives.

From their perspective, they see “manifesting” as the result of taking action towards a goal or outcome they desire.

For example, if someone at this level says “I manifested a new car!”, what they really mean is that they went out there and took more action, and made more money and then they went to a car dealership and they purchased a new car.

People who view the world from this perspective live by a mantra of “Just do it!” or “Take more action!” They do not believe that anything “out there” happens, or manifests for anyone, unless a person physically does something by taking physical action to accomplish that thing.

People at this level typically don’t waste their time with things like meditation, or visualization, because they view time as a limited resource and things like meditation or visualization just waste time that could be better spent taking more action.

When people at this level say that they “manifested something” or “attracted something” what they really mean is that they went out there, took action and they accomplished a goal they desired by taking physical action based on a logical sequence of events that took them from point A to point B.

People at this level of thinking do not believe it is possible to manifest anything just by thinking about it. They believe that unless a person actually takes physical action towards something, nothing will happen.

People at this level see the world through the five senses, and do not believe in anything that cannot be proven through the current paradigms used in science.

We could say that for people at this level, the traditional Newtonian scientific method is their religion.

Level 2 – 6th Sense Introduction

The next level of thinking some people evolve to is almost identical to the 1st Level I just described, but with a small twist of the 6th Sense.

What do I mean by this?

Well, people at this second level of thinking believe in the exact same things as people at the 1st level, but they also make room for a small amount of “unexplained phenomenon” – such as the 6th sense.

The reason this usually happens is because once in a while when a person is trying to manifest something from the 1st Level perspective (of taking action) – there are times when it appears as if certain things end up manifesting without any effort on their part in the physical universe.

For example, a person might put together a dream board and they might put a picture of a certain thing that they want to manifest in their lives on that dream board. Several days later someone who they haven’t shared this desire with may visit them and give them that exact object as a gift, even though the person didn’t tell anyone about wanting this specific item.

When this happens once or twice, people at Level 1 thinking tend to just dismiss it as a co-incidence, but when these types of events happen more than once or when the probability of co-incidence is just too great to have happened – people tend to start to evolve to the 2nd level of thinking where they start factoring in a little bit of “unexplained phenomenon” into the equation.

For example, people might start to believe that the human mind has some form of psychic ability where once in a while – from time to time – we can actually pickup on the thoughts that another person is thinking subconsciously.

This then accounts for all the situations where we want to manifest something (using Level 1 techniques of taking action), an then we are pleasantly surprised by an event where someone “mysteriously” gives us what we want even though we didn’t tell them that we wanted that thing etc.

For example I might be watching TV and see a commercial for cinnamon buns, and I might think to myself “Man, I haven’t had cinnamon buns for a long time. I’d love to have one.“ I may think that, but I might not say anything to anyone about it.

Later on that night, a friend might pop by for a visit and they bring cinnamon buns over and when I ask them about why they felt compelled to bring over cinnamon buns, they might just say “I don’t know…I was at the store and I thought you might want cinnamon buns so I got them.”

People at this level of thinking still believe that the universe is made up of “objects”, all separate from each other – floating through space. However, they start to see these weird patterns where things sometimes manifest in their lives just by them thinking about them, so they start to believe that perhaps human beings might have some kind of “psychic connection” to one another and that explains why sometimes we can manifest things without doing anything or telling anyone about those things.

In most cases though, people at Level 2 thinking still focus 99% of their efforts on manifesting things through physical action as in Level 1. Once in a while they experience a “miracle” where something manifests without action, but they rationalize that by thinking that another person must have “read their mind” somehow and knew what they wanted.

At this Level of thinking – however – everything is still manifested through ACTION, it just may be that the action steps required to manifest may be completed by someone else who picked up on your desire through some sort of 6th sense.

People at Level 2 still believe very much in a religion of Science – but they may believe that there are some things (ie. 6th sense) that science hasn’t yet explained, and attribute any “miracles” they perceive in their lives as just something we haven’t yet scientifically proven (at least with conventional, high-school level of science).

Level 3 – Mass Consciousness Rules All

The next level of thinking happens when people start to see examples of things manifesting in their lives that were NOT created through physical action taken by them – OR – by other people “reading their minds”.

For example, imagine if you wanted to manifest a new car because you hated your current car and you sat down and visualized owning a brand new car and then 15 minutes later a bolt of lightning hit a tree outside of your house and the tree cracked in half and fell on top of your existing car.

And imagine that the insurance company wrote off the car and gave you enough money for it for you to be able to purchase a brand new car.

Well, in such a situation you couldn’t attribute this weird event to a person reading your mind (your desire to want a new car) and then somehow manifesting that scenario by taking action on your behalf – because it was a bolt of lightning that caused the situation to happen, not a person.

This may not be the best example, but essentially at this third level of understanding “manifestation”, people start to awaken to the idea that somehow just by thinking about things or desiring things, we are able to actually affect inanimate objects as well – not just other people.

It’s almost as if it’s not just other human beings “listening” to our desires through some sort of “6th sense” – it’s more like the entire universe appears to be listening to our thoughts and desires.

That doesn’t mean that the entire universe re-arranges itself to give us what we want, instantly with no effort – but from time to time we experience events that simply can’t be explained by any other theory except that somehow “The Universe” heard our desire.

Some people may call “The Universe” by a name like God, or some other force outside of themselves, but regardless what label they give this force, people at this level believe that there is something greater than themselves that is “listening” or “controlling” things behind the scenes and it has power over everything in the Universe.

Scientists tend to use the name “consciousness” to refer to this force, because they don’t like using words like “God” or “The Universe” since they have religious connotations.

At this third level of thinking, people start to think that there is a form of “mass consciousness” that connects all beings together, and all particles and events in the universe and whatever this “mass consciousness” is – it is alive and listening.

When people try to manifest something at this level, what they believe is happening is that they are placing an “order” into “mass consciousness” and hoping that this mass consciousness will respond by manifesting what they want.

Some people believe it is actually the 7 billion or so people on this planet that make up the mass consciousness in a sort of “hive mind”, and the sum of all the desires of this “hive mind” is what manifests as our reality.

Meaning, it’s almost like a democratic voting system where I place my “vote” into the hive mind by asking for what I want at an energetic level – and assuming that the collective mind of the other 7 billion people aligns with my desires then I will get what I want.

However, if the collective hive mind is not in alignment with my personal desires then I will not manifest what I want in my life – except possibly by force or independent physical action.

At this level of thinking, people tend to focus on trying to change the world, or to change the thinking of the world — to more closely match their thinking. By doing this, they hope to accomplish getting their personal desires met.

One difference between Level 3 thinking versus Level 2 thinking is that at Level 3, we are no longer bound by the so called “laws of physics”.

At Level 3, the belief starts to be that YES there are law of physics such as gravity for example, that we are bound and limited by —- HOWEVER, those rules are only in effect because the mass consciousness hive mind believes them to be true.

The idea is that the concept of gravity is a useful and beneficial BELIEF for the 7 billion people on this planet, so we’re not just going to break gravity by individually wanting to manifest that.

However, if we could somehow convince all 7 billion people on this planet that we can defy gravity – then we would manifest a reality where gravity doesn’t even exist anymore. In this way, NO rule of physics is greater than the beliefs of Mass Consciousness.

In fact, every rule of physics, is simply a construct of mass consciousness – and at this level of thinking – people believe that they are a PART of mass consciousness, but typically their thinking is that they are just a small fraction of it and in “effect” by the overall thinking of the hive mind.

This is why people at this level tend to pick missions in life and spend a lot of time and energy trying to change the world, change the thinking of the world, and are always focusing on fixing all that is broken “out there”.

When they want to manifest something in life, their thinking usually points them towards “How do I align my desires with the whole world?” and they tend to ask for things in life that they think will make the world a better place for everyone. Their thinking is “I will get what I want in life, as long as what I want is for the benefit of everyone else as well.”

The things they tend to manifest in their lives tend to reflect that idea. They find it very easy to manifest stuff that is good for everyone, but any desires they have which they perceive to be a bit “selfish” – they tend to have a lot of trouble manifesting.

Level 4 – The Mirror

At Level 4, people start to realize that changing the entire world – or “hive mind of mass consciousness” is very exhausting work!

They start to think…man, it’s so hard to change other people! Nobody wants to change! So how can I manifest my dreams and desires if I need to change the whole world first?! There has to be an easier way.

And typically they start to look in the mirror.

They start to look at themselves.

Instead of trying to go “out there” and change the planet, change the government, change the people, change all this “stuff out there” – they start to really focus on just changing themselves.

They start to ask themselves – “Well, what do *I* really want? Forget the world, and the planet, and all this stuff going on out there… Forget trying to make everyone ‘out there’ happy… What do *I* want? What would make ME happy?”

And at this point, they start to make small but important changes in themselves.

When they realize that they constantly manifest relationships with people who treat them like crap, they start looking inside and asking themselves “Why am I manifesting this? Why do I treat myself like crap?” or “Where in my life am I treating myself like crap?”

And what they very quickly start to realize is that there is nobody “out there”. There is no “mass consciousness” that is “out there” affecting them. They start to realize that as soon as they change themselves, seemingly the entire world “out there” changes automatically.

The world “out there” essentially becomes a mirror. If I look in the mirror and I see myself standing there – without a hat on – and I want the person in the mirror to be wearing a hat, what do I have to do?

Well, that’s simple… I just have to put a hat on myself – and the person in the mirror will automatically be wearing a hat!

So, people at this 4th level of manifesting reality start to really go INSIDE for answers.

When they want to manifest a new car, for example, they go INSIDE for that. They start looking for internal conflicts, or limiting beliefs INSIDE themselves that are holding them back from having a new car.

They work on their own energy, their own conscious and subconscious beliefs, their vibration, the alignment of their Chakras, their physical vitality, the foods they put INSIDE their body, etc. as things to focus on when wanting to manifest what they want.

At this level people start to realize that the more they change their INNER landscape, the more the reality OUT THERE seems to change instantly and effortlessly.

Taking physical action “out there” is completely pointless without proper INNER alignment first.

This is a very powerful level of awareness and many people manifest amazing things at this level.

Level 5 – I am

At Level 4 people realize that everything boils down to “INNER WORK”.

You want to manifest a new car? Focus on your beliefs, your vibration, your energy levels, your thoughts, your alignment with your higher self, your physical vitality, your mind etc. If you get those things all aligned, then things “OUT THERE” will take care of themselves, almost as if by magic – and usually with very little or no physical effort (action) required on your part.

However, the challenge with Level 4 thinking is that even though you’ve stopped looking “out there” (Level 1,2,3) as the path towards getting what you want, and replaced it with “in here” as the limitation holding you back – you are still limiting yourself.

Meaning, for example, a person at Level 4 might think “I will manifest the car I want as soon as I can get past my limiting beliefs.” or “I will manifest the car I want as soon as I change my vibration to attract/manifest the car I want.”

Essentially, the “gatekeepers” between where you are now and where you want to be (ie. driving your new car) is your limiting beliefs, or your higher self, or your mind, or your subconscious, or your vibration, or your energy levels, or the clogged Chakras you have, or something like that.

At Level 4, people become “Inner Warriors”. They develop an ever increasing repertoire of “Inner Tools” that work on their body, mind, spirit, conscious and subconscious mind etc.

All of this “Inner Work” is wonderful and typically produces a lot of amazing results for people.

However, after a while people start to realize that all these “inner gatekeepers” are all the same – or at the very least they are very similar.

And at Level 5, people start to realize that even the gatekeepers themselves are our own constructs.

Meaning, at Level 4, if I want to manifest a new car – I might think to myself “Okay, to get this car I have to get rid of this limiting belief called X which is holding me back from manifesting the car.”

So in such an example, there is ME, the “INNER GATEKEEPER” (which happens to be a limiting belief I labeled as X in this example), and then there is the NEW CAR — 3 separate entities in my Level 4 mind.

At level 4 thinking, I think that in order for ME to get the NEW CAR I must first overcome the limiting belief.

So I might employ a “limiting belief change” modality such as affirmations or PSYCH-K or EFT or some other “tool” I have in my toolbox to try to overcome that belief. And of course this might work really well!

However, at Level 5 we start to realize that ME and THE GATEKEEPER and the NEW CAR are all actually ONE.

So instead of creating a gatekeeper like “limiting beliefs” – for example – or “vibrational misalignment” – which keeps ME from having what I want, which is the NEW CAR, I may instead choose to just not even play that game.

I may choose to just manifest the car without the need for creating and then overcoming a limitation.

I am not saying this is easy to do – or that people at Level 5 can do it at will, all the time in every situation.

What I am saying though is that in certain situations, people at Level 5 just manifest stuff virtually INSTANTLY without having to overcome anything “out there” or “in here”. They just create a desire for something and somehow it just manifests for them, virtually instantly, and virtually effortlessly.


I have observed that people tend to fall into these five levels of thinking when it comes to “manifesting” things in their lives.

Often times people will use the same language, but they will mean totally different things when talking about manifesting.

People at Level 1 for example tend to focus their time and energy on taking physical action steps when trying to manifest things, while people at Level 4 for example will spend a lot more time working on themselves.

That doesn’t mean that people at Level 4 always use Level 4 thinking when trying to manifest. In fact, the majority of people think at different levels at different times and for different things.

For example, one person might use Level 4 thinking when working on their health, but may resort to Level 1 thinking/strategies/perspectives when trying to manifest a new car.

Just because a person understand the possibility of Level 4 thinking doesn’t mean they always apply that way of thinking all the time.

Often times people at Level 4 will work on themselves in certain areas of their life, and in other areas they will focus more on trying to fix the problem “out there”.

For example, they might try to resolve financial issues by working on themselves on the inside (Level 4 thinking) – but when it comes to relationships, they might focus all their energy trying to change the people “out there” ( Level 1-3 thinking).

I think it’s interesting to consider these different levels of thinking when talking to people about “manifesting” things in life, and to also consider how we are approaching situations in our own lives when wanting to manifest something.

What level of thinking do you typically default to when trying to manifest something in your life?

Personally I think I spend the majority of my time at Level 3 and Level 4. More recently a lot more time at Level 4 than 3, and once in a while I jump into Level 5 thinking from time to time but I haven’t spent a lot of time there yet.

Goal Setting Productivity

Making This Year a Success

2011 was one of the most successful years of my life – and by no accident.

It was engineered to be so by following a proven success formula I discovered in 2010.

As a fanatical student of personal development for over 17 years now, I’ve learned and tested a lot of different approaches to achieving success but nothing has been as effective for me as the success formula I’ve been following for the last year or so.

In 2012, I plan on continuing to utilize this proven success formula and I’ll gladly share it with the rest of you – in case any of you have an interest in implementing it in your lives as well.

Where the Proven Success Formula Comes From

As I mentioned above, as a student of personal development for over 17 years, I am no stranger to theoretical “success formulas” that many personal development book authors, speakers and gurus teach.

There are thousands of different formulas out there – developed by well meaning authors, speakers and gurus who try to encapsulate the essence of success into a simple formula that their students can follow.

Some of these formulas make perfect, logical sense, and sound like they *should* work when applied in real life – but then end up producing no long-term results.

Some of these formulas look good in theory and on paper, but then we quickly discover that it is impossible for the anyone to ever apply them — and we also discover that the person who created the theoretical formula is not and has never actually followed the formula themselves either.

For 15 years or so I tried out various different success formulas out there with varying degrees of success, until I discovered a fundamental flaw in my thinking.

The flaw in my thinking was that I was looking for a success formula that made sense to me and that fit in with my current beliefs and habits.

Many people make this mistake.

Instead, what I now realize is that the best success formula to follow is a PROVEN Success Formula that will actually produce results, NOT a theoretical one that sounds good and makes sense to your current level of understanding and that fits in with your current beliefs and habits.

It doesn’t matter if a success formula make sense to you – all that matter is that it is a Proven Success Formula and that it produces results.

It doesn’t matter if a success formula fits in with your current beliefs – all that matters is that it is a Proven Success Formula and that it produces results.

It doesn’t matter if a success formula fits in with your current habits (of thinking and acting) – all that matters is that it is a Proven Success Formula and that it produces results.

Back in 2011, I learned the Success Formula for success that I have been using since and it has been an amazing experience to see how it has been transforming my life.

I learned this formula as part of my training and decided to give it a try in my life to see how it compares to other strategies I’ve followed in the past.

The results have been amazing to me and things are just getting better as I implement the formula more and more in my life.

There are five main components to the Formula for Success and I’ll share them with you right now.

#1 – Reading the Right Books

The first component that a person must do in order to achieve success is to always be reading the right books.

All leaders are readers.

Reading develops very specific neural pathways in the brain that help you to attract success.

When I first started reading personal development books over 17 years ago, I was NOT a reader. I got through high school reading the absolute minimum number of books that I could.

I did not enjoy reading. It just wasn’t really my thing.

But then one day I picked up a personal development book that I really enjoyed and it really helped me out in my life.

So then I picked up another and started reading that. Then another, and another and I slowly built up a habit of reading books.

Now, 17 years later I’ve read well over 1,000 personal development books.

The Success Formula states that in order for us to achieve success we must be reading the right books.

If you look at any ultra successful people in life, who have achieved great things – they are all readers.

For example, here’s a picture of the Skywalker Ranch Library that George Lucas built.

Study any person that has achieved great success – whether that be George Lucas, Bruce Lee, Will Smith, Oprah, President Obama or Mike Tyson – and you will discover that they all have one thing in common… they were all well read prior to their success.

If you want to achieve success in your life, start reading the right books.

What are the right books to read?

I’ll get to that later on in the post, but for now just realize that reading the right books is the first component to the Proven Success Formula.

#2 – Listening to Audios

The next component to achieving success is listening to inspirational audio based training courses.

For centuries, successful people attended regular lectures where they listened to the right people teaching them success principles.

These lectures were typically put on by affluent people, for affluent people. The average middle income person did not have access to this type of training.

Today, success lectures can be recorded and distributed through digital formats such as CDs, MP3s etc.

Listening to audio training is different than reading books, because it develops different neural pathways in the brain.

Both are needed.

Some people enjoy listening to audios (such as audio books) and prefer to listen to audios rather than read.

Both are needed.

Successful people listen to audios in addition to reading. They don’t do one or the other – they do both.

What kind of audios should we be listening to? I’ll get to that later on in the post as well, but for now lets talk about the next component in the Success Formula.

#3 – Attending Events

Successful people attend live events that are specifically designed to help them achieve success.

These events are designed to do three things:

Help You Learn from Other Successful People
Help You Build Relationships with Other Successful People
Help You Participate in Giving and Receiving Recognition

Attending events that focus on one – or ideally all three – of these areas of focus, is imperative to success.

Successful people attend events (such as training seminars) where they learn from other successful people, in a live environment.

There is a form of “energy transfer” that happens when you are present live, in a room with another successful person – that just doesn’t happen when reading books and/or listening to audios by that same person.

For years and years I thought that reading books on a specific topic was the same thing as going to a live seminar.

For example, when I first wanted to learn about I purchased the book. It was an interesting book to read, but honestly I didn’t really understand how worked by reading the book.

The book was great for providing the fundamental theory behind the modality, but it didn’t really teach me how to do it properly.

I also purchased the CD Audio program. That was great to listen to and I learned a lot more about from there as well.

However, it was not until I attended the live event – the Seminar – that I learned how to do properly. By being in the same room with and experiencing his energy and actually DOING and PRACTICING live, in person, in the same room as him with the other students – only then did I actually learn what is all about.

Successful people attend live training seminars and events. They learn from people one-on-one, or in group settings at live events.

Secondly, these events are also designed to help people get around other successful people, and to build relationships with them. More on this shortly.

Thirdly, successful people also attend events where they participate in GIVING and RECEIVING recognition.

Think about the Oscars, or the Academy Awards. These are televised recognition events that most of us are familiar with, but there are millions of other recognition based events all around the world that successful people attend that most middle-income people don’t even know about.

Attending events where you participate in giving and receiving recognition to other people is a success habit.

It is incredibly important to participate and attend events where you can recognize other successful people for their achievements and to also be recognized for your achievements as well.

Most middle income people only experience this type of thing during their graduation ceremonies in high school, or college / university, and when they attend a wedding.

Those are typically the only things that most people get recognized for – getting educated and getting married.

Successful people are always attending events where they give and receive recognition for achieving success in their lives. For reaching various milestones in their lives. This is a HUGE key to success.

Giving recognition to others who have achieved success builds certain neural pathways in your brain and attracts success into your life. When you recognize others for their successes, it becomes easier for you to achieve success as well.

Now, you may be asking — where do I find events like this?

There are many places where you can find teaching seminars that teach a variety of different topics. As I mentioned before, when I wanted to learn I didn’t just purchase the $10 book and the $50 audio. I also attended the $500 live seminar where I learned the technology in person from the creator himself.

As far as building relationships and participating in recognition, successful people are virtually all members of success clubs and organizations where they meet other successful people, build relationships with them and participate in giving and receiving recognition.

Not everyone can afford to join some of these success clubs as most of them are specifically designed to keep out “poor people” by having initiation fees of $25,000 or $50,000 or even millions of dollars just to join the club.

If you have the money to join, the benefits of being part of these clubs far outweighs the costs of getting in, however most people typically don’t have that kind of money prior to achieving success.

There are some clubs you can join that put together events where you can meet other successful people and build relationships, which don’t cost $25,000 to join — so don’t let that discourage you.

There are also events which you can attend that will allow you to give and receive recognition, without being part of a country club for wealthy people.

Ideally though, what you want to do is to become part of an organization or club that puts together regular events (at least quarterly, and ideally monthly) where you can do all three things at the same time during these events — learn success principles for other successful people, meet and build relationships with other successful people, and participate in giving and receiving recognition.

Some clubs and organizations put together such events on a regular bases and the events are specifically engineered and planned to provide these three benefits at the same time.

I’ll cover how I was able to participate in such events myself shortly, but first let’s talk about the next component to the formula.

#4 – Build Relationships with Other Successful People

The next component to the Proven Success Formula is building relationships with other successful, like-minded people.

Most people develop their circle of friends and acquaintances based on the friends their parents introduced them to, or by the friends they made in school or at work.

Successful people don’t just build relationships with the people their parents introduced them to or with people they happened to sit next to in school or at work.

Successful people consciously develop relationships, and build friendships with other successful, like-minded people who they seek out and meet at the events I referred to in the previous section.

The reality is that most of your friends that you met growing up or that you went to school with or that you work with might not be interested in success. They might not be into the same things that you are into. You have to go beyond the circle of friends you currently have and get around other successful people.

This is another reason why it’s so important to attend events. That is usually where you will meet other like-minded people and develop relationships with them.

There is an old saying that says that your income will be average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Well, if your five best friends that you spend the most time with are broke, in debt, sick and miserable, then what do you think your chances are of achieving success? You must build relationships with successful people.

And finally, the last component to the Success Formula is…

#5 – Participate in Recognition

I’ve already mentioned a little bit of this earlier, but this is a HUGE component to being successful.

Successful people are constantly participating in events where they GIVE and RECEIVE recognition to and from others for their achievements.

Most middle-income and poor people NEVER participate in recognition of any kind. The only time they ever get recognized for anything is when they screw something up at work, and their boss yells at them — or when they screw something up at home, and their spouse points out what they did wrong.

Successful people are part of organizations or clubs that make it easy for them to participate in recognition.

When you attend an event where you recognize other people for achieving success, it attracts more success into your life.

You engage a part of yourself that also wants to be recognized, and so you end up becoming more successful so that you can be recognized for your accomplishments.

This is why you see Hollywood actors attending the Oscars and recognizing their colleagues for their achievements during the year.

By giving recognition to their colleagues they also attract more success in their lives. All successful people do this in their field of endeavor, it’s just that most of us don’t ever see this outside of the Oscars because 99.9999% of these types of events are not televised.

Unsuccessful people don’t attend these types of events and they don’t even realize that such events exist.

Ask any wealthy person and they will tell you that they are always attending recognition events where they are either going to recognize someone for their achievements, or they are being recognized themselves (or both).

This is a regular thing that they do. It’s normal.

For unsuccessful people this is a rare thing that happens. As I mentioned before, the only experience most unsuccessful people have with such events is when they graduate from highschool, college/university, and/or if they get married. That is the only time in their lives when they hear “congratulations”.

The Secret to Making the Success Formula Work

The Proven Success Formula works virtually 100% of the time for anyone that applies it.

Also, virtually anyone that has built success in their lives is following this formula.

The only challenge with this formula is that for the average person it is not very easy to implement it in their lives.

Firstly, when it comes to reading books – one of the secrets is that you must know which are the right books to read. Successful people are part of clubs or organizations or have mentors who guide them towards reading the right books to help them achieve success in the shortest amount of time possible.

Secondly, when it comes to listening to audios – you must have access to the right types of training audios. They must be put together by people who have actually achieved success in their area of expertise, and not by “gurus” who simply put out audio content that sounds good and makes logical sense, but that is all theory and that is unproven.

You must listen to people who have achieved success in the area that you are wanting to learn about, and who have been in the position that you are in right now.

If, for example, you are broke and want to be a multi-millionaire – then you must listen to audios that are put together by someone who started out broke and who then became a multi-millionaire. You won’t learn much about being a multi-millionaire by listening to audios put together by guru’s who make money selling audio courses on success, but who never achieved their goal of being a multi-millionaire prior to becoming a “guru”.

If you want to learn about Acupuncture, or Homeopathic Medicine, then you need to learn from people who are experts in those fields with real experience under their belt — not just theory.

Thirdly, when it comes to attending events, building relationships with like-minded successful people and participating in recognition, you have to be a part of some kind of organization that puts together these types of carefully engineered events.

It’s not really something that you can do yourself, by yourself.

So how do you make it easy to apply this formula?


Movement Weightloss Tip

Another quick weight loss tip I would like to share is “Bouncing”.

What I mean by bouncing is to get your body moving in some way, shape or form that creates a bouncing motion in the body.

The human body was designed to bounce in a slight up/down motion. The lymphatic system especially relies on this to function properly and without the lyphatic system being engaged it’s very difficult to lose fat and virtually impossible to detox.

Some examples of the bouncing motion are walking, jogging, running, dancing, rebounding, stair climbing, or virtually any sport you can think of.

By getting your body bouncing, you activate the body’s digestive processes and especially the detoxing functions of the lymphatic system.

I did a lot of walking and jogging during my weight loss and I always felt great afterwards and my weight loss results were significantly better than just focusing on diet alone.

It may sound simplistic, but it works.

If you want to lose weight make sure you get your daily dose of bouncing. Even just a few minutes a day are better than nothing.

Most people think that the only type of activity that helps with weight loss is anything that burns a lot of calories but that is not true. Anything that gets the body moving and bouncing is a huge help.


Switching to Salad’s

Today’s weight loss tip relates to salad dressings.

One of the mistakes I have made in the past, when trying to lose weight is to listen to “weight loss guru” advice on salad dressings.

Most weight loss “gurus” out there make a huge deal about choosing low-fat or low-calorie salad dressings.

The challenge is that if you’re not used to eating salads, and your typical meal comes from a fast-food restaurant, eating a salad with a low-fat or low-calorie dressing is going to taste like crap.

Instead, here’s a little secret I discovered…
Bad Dressing, Bad Salad. Good Dressing, Good Salad.

I discovered that when I was trying to use low-calorie or low-fat or just generally “good for you” salad dressings, my salads would taste like crap.

And when your salad tastes like crap, what do you do? You never eat salad.

So instead of trying to shave an extra 10-50 calories off of an already healthy, and low-calorie salad, and making it taste like shit – I instead went out there and found a salad dressing that I actually enjoy!

My favorite lately has been Kraft Three Cheese Ranch dressing. Yes, I know that it is 110 calories for 2 tablespoons of that dressing – however, by choosing a salad dressing that I actually enjoy eating it makes it a lot easier to eat salads on a regular basis.

Also, if you look at the nutritional profile – most of the calories in that dressing come from fat and not sugar which signals your brain to stop eating.

Contrary to what mass media has tried to lead us to believe for decades now, eating fats doesn’t make you fat – it is actually starches and sugars that do that to us.

When we eat fats, we get full faster so we eat less.

It’s not the fat in fast-food meals that makes us fat, it’s all the sugar we eat with it.

Anyway, I won’t go into too much of a discussion on fat vs sugar intake as far as weight loss is concerned, because what I really want to focus on is salads in this post.
Other Ways to Pimp Your Salad

There are so many cool things you can add to a salad to make it taste so much better.

A lot of people who say that they don’t like eating salads make the following two major mistakes:

They think that a salad is made up of lettuce – and that’s it.
They choose crappy, low-fat, low-calorie dressings.

A real salad should be made up a LOT more than just lettuce. Most of the salads that I made during my weight loss were only about 20% lettuce.

Some of the things that I love to add to my salads are:

Red Peppers
Green Peppers
Green Onions
Red Onions
Pumpkin Seeds
Hemp Seeds
Sliced Almonds
Dried Cranberries
Baby Spinach
Sesame Seeds
Flax Oil
Egg Slices
Grilled Chicken Breast
Grilled Salmon
Steak Slices

The more stuff you add to your salad, the more variety of flavors there will be for you to enjoy. By mixing things up with your salads, you’ll actually ENJOY eating them and not see them as something you eat instead of “real food”.

The bottom line is this.

Forget about trying to eat the “perfect salad”. Instead, learn to make GOOD salads that you’ll actually ENJOY eating.

Every person who wants to lose weight, needs to have at least a couple of salad recipes under their belt that they actually enjoy eating.

I’ve personally got about a half-dozen different types of salads that I like making now and I actually enjoy eating them.

When I’ve had guests over who don’t typically eat salads, I’ve made my salads for them and they were shocked how good they tasted.

If you learn to make good salads, you’ll start to prefer them over a fast-food meal.

That is the bottom line.

It’s not about making a “perfect” salad that has virtually no calories but tastes like saw-dust!

It’s about making a GOOD salad that you’ll actually enjoy eating.


Cutting Calories with Soda Water

After completing my weight loss challenge with Mark Johnson, where I lost over 38lbs in 5 months I have decided to write a number of short weight loss tip articles to share some of the ideas I’ve implemented in my life to help me lose weight.

The first tip relates to replacing your drinking calories with alternatives.

When starting my weight loss challenge, I realized that a lot of my daily calories come from drinking pop (soda), such as Coca Cola and similar products.

Many people think that fruit juices you purchase at the store are better, but almost all juices you buy at the store are full of sugar and they are pasteurized which kills almost all nutrients you would get from fresh fruit.

Coffees and teas, sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners are not good either as they either contain sugar or artificial chemicals/sweeteners.

For years now I’ve been trying to get rid of my pop/soda addiction and replace it with drinking plain water, however it’s not that easy to do as I don’t really like the taste of plain water.

There’s just something about a carbonated beverage when you are really thirsty that tastes good and feels like it’s cutting through the thirst.

When I drink plain water, I don’t get that same feeling.

So what I discovered this time around is a machine from a small company called SodaStream that allows you to make your own carbonated water.

A SodaStream starter kit will set you back about $75 and will allow you to create up to 60 Liters of carbonated water with one cartridge. The refills will only cost you about $18 and will produce 60 Liters of carbonated water.

If you were to replace just 2 cans of pop/soda per day with carbonated water instead, that would shave almost 10,000 calories from your monthly diet which is the equivalent of about 2-3lbs of fat per month.

Some people attempt to save those calories by switching from soda/pop to diet soda/pop but the challenge with diet soda’s is that they are sweetened with artificial sweeteners which do more harm than good.

Here are a couple of articles on why I don’t recommend artificially sweetened beverages:

As Dr. states in these articles, artificial sweeteners like Sucralose and Aspartame can have side effect symptoms ranging from dizziness, blurred vision, depression and weight gain in the short term to who knows what kind of long-term side effects on the body if you continue to use them long term.

For this reason I would highly recommend staying away from any kind of “diet” products.

I really like my SodaStream machine and I love drinking the carbonated water. My only complaint against SodaStream as a company is that their flavor packages are artificially sweetened. This is why I don’t recommend purchasing them.

Of course you can flavor your carbonated water yourself by simply squeezing some lemon into it or other natural flavors or even adding in some freshly squeezed juice you made.

The easiest thing to do, however, is to just simply drink carbonated water with no flavor.

At first, the lack of flavor and lack of sugar in the carbonated water may taste weird (bad) to you, but after you drink it for a few days it will actually start to taste really good.

This is one of the little “secrets” I’ve been using during my weight loss – drinking carbonated water instead of pop/soda or any kinds of juices.

You cut out a LOT of calories from your diet with this very simple change and once you get used to the water, you will start to prefer it to sweetened juices and drinks.

Even if you continued to eat exactly what you’re eating right now, just by switching from 2-3 cans of soda/pop/juice to carbonated water you could cut 20-36lbs of fat from your body in just one year!


Removing Negativity from Your Life

The world as we know it right now will end in 2012.

A new world will be born.

Humanity is about to go through a massive shift.

One of the energies that is accelerating that change is the awakening that many good people are going through right now in respect to “Dreamstealers”.

What Are Dreamstealers?

Dreamstealers are the people in your life who have these qualities about them:

  • They fail to take responsibility for anything in their own lives. Instead they always have someone to blame – from the Government, to the Rich, to everyone else.
  • They always see the negative in every situation, and hide under the guise of “Just being realistic.”
  • They are the first ones to point out everything that could possibly go wrong.
  • They destroy your dreams, and hide under the guise of “I do it because I love you and I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
  • They are often unhappy and miserable with their own lives, yet at the same time they believe their way of doing things is the only/right way.

Almost all of us have people in our lives who exhibit these qualities – be it friends, co-workers, acquaintances or family members.
The 2012 Shift

Up until 2011, most of us tolerated Dreamstealer abuse and negativity because in a lot of cases it was just easier that way.

A lot of us even felt sorry for these people, especially in the case of friends and family members.

However, in 2012 and moving forward, that is no longer good enough.

Almost all of the good people I have spoken to in the last three weeks have begun expressing this energy of “I’m not going to let them steal my dreams anymore. I’m done.”

I believe this is a global phenomenon. We’re all awakening to this right now.

The Lightworker Rescue Mission Ends

Up until now, many good people were under the wrong impression that it was somehow their job to “rescue” these dreamstealers from their own negativity.

We would listen and allow these negatrons to spew their negativity, thinking that “It’s OK, I can handle it. I’ll show them the positive side as soon as they’re done.”

We would let them “vent” and then offer a positive perspective/spin on what they just expressed to us, in hopes of “showing them the light” and helping them to feel better.

The challenge is that they don’t want to see the light.

What they do want is to temporarily feel better – (which is good) – but the way that they go about this is by STEALING your light instead of by connecting to their own.

You can’t help a Dreamstealer by giving them your light. That is a short-term solution which leaves you drained and them only temporarily feeling better.

By letting them “feed” off of your positive energy, you’re in effect giving them their “fix” instead of allowing them to find their own inner light.

This is not in alignment with the highest good.

The Secret Weapon of Dreamstealers

However destructive this challenge of letting Dreamstealers “feed” off of your light energy is, it actually pales in comparison with the bigger challenge that this situation creates.

The bigger challenge that this situation creates is that it robs the world of the CREATIONS that good people are supposed to be creating.

You see, it takes a lot of light energy to bring an idea/creation into this world.

It takes a lot of energy to raise our own vibrations to allow us to create and manifest something new and amazing at a level higher than we have ever created.

Ideas and inspirations are like infants. They must be protected and shielded from the outside environment, just like you would protect an infant.

A lot of good people I know have amazing ideas and aspirations.

They have great aspirations for starting and building businesses, or transforming their lives in some way.

The challenge is that most good people I know have not been aware of the secret “weapon” that Dreamstealers have, which kills and destroys their ideas and aspirations.

Many good people believe that if they invest X number of hours into a project, or new business of some sort and 99% of that time is spent feeding positive energy towards the project, then it doesn’t really matter what happens the other 1% of the time.

Most good people BELIEVE in their positive beliefs. They believe that their new business idea or new project is the right thing to do. They are convinced that they are right and no Dreamstealer will ever be able to convince them otherwise.

This is why most good people haven’t really cared about the negative opinions of a few co-workers, friends or family members they are exposed to from time to time.

Their thinking is “I know what I’m doing is right, those negative people can’t convince me otherwise.”

And they are right. Dreamstealers, in almost all cases, CAN’T convince you that they are right and you are wrong.

The challenge, however, is that they don’t have to!

You see, the secret weapon of a Dreamstealer is NOT to convince you that you are wrong and they are right.

They know they don’t need to do that. All they need to do to completely throw you off track is to introduce DOUBT and FEAR – even in small amounts.

Often times that is all that it takes to destroy your dream.

You see doubts and fears paralyze people.

If I was a Dreamstealer I wouldn’t need to convince you that your dream/idea/inspiration is WRONG. All I would have to do is introduce REASONABLE DOUBT that your ideas is RIGHT.

All it takes is a little tiny bit of REASONABLE DOUBT and your idea goes POOF!

Let me give you an example.

Let’s say that you are currently working at a job you hate. You know it’s not the right job for you and you have decided that it’s time to leave.

Sure enough, you manifest a business opportunity which you are very excited about. This opportunity feels right, it aligns with your highest values and you are super excited to start building this business.

Deep down you KNOW that this business opportunity is better for you than the job you’re at.

So you start taking the necessary steps to build this business and to hopefully, one day be able to quit your job and do the business full time.

Now you come across a Dreamstealer who gives you their “opinion” of what they think of your business idea.

They themselves have never actually owned a business, operated one, or had any success with a business in their lives.

So basically they’re talking out of their asses when giving you this advice – but nevertheless that doesn’t stop them from telling you ALL about how your business idea is flawed.

After one hour of listening to their negative garbage, you’ve had enough.

You excuse yourself and go do something else. You brush yourself off and keep trucking on.

Over time, however, your excitement about your business starts to dissipate.

You start to wonder if maybe there was some truth in what they were saying.

Is it really the right time to start a new business?

With the economy the way it is?

What if it doesn’t work out?

What if you lose your job because your boss finds out you’re starting a business?

What if this happens or that, or some other thing?

You see…what’s happened is that the Dreamstealer has INFECTED you with DOUBT.

They didn’t CONVINCE you that your idea was bad or that your business venture was not right for you…. they didn’t have to.

All they did is they just created a little, tiny, itsy-bitsy DOUBT.

And that’s all it takes to destroy most ideas at their infancy stage.

Let me ask you this… if you fed an infant baby healthy breast milk from the mother several times a day, every day for 3 months… and then just once fed it poison, what would happen to that infant?

I think the answer is pretty self evident, right?

Would it matter if you tried to then go back and feed it healthy food again?

No, once the infant is poisoned, it’s poisoned!

This is exactly what DOUBT and FEAR create in our lives.

The bad news is that the Dreamstealers in your life have most likely been responsible for poisoning thousands, if not tens of thousands of possible ideas and inspirations in your life.

The good news is that if you STOP allowing them to do this in 2012 and onwards – your life is going to transform so quickly, you’ll be absolutely amazed.

Our Addiction to Dreamstealers

This post is not about blaming the Dreamstealers, however.

You see, it’s not really their fault.

They are what they are.

Dreamstealers are like cigarettes. They poison your body, but it is YOUR choice whether your smoke them or not.

You can’t blame cigarettes for being cigarettes. They’re just pieces of dried up tobacco wrapped in paper.

It is our addiction to cigarettes that’s destructive, not cigarettes themselves.

It’s the same thing with Dreamstealers.

Most good people are addicted to being around Dreamstealers.

The reason for this is because when we begin to pursue our dreams and aspirations, we inevitably end up hitting the outer edges of our comfort zone.

Meaning, we have an inspiration and we get excited about.

We start to pursue it and everything is going great. But sooner or later, in order for us to bring those aspirations into fruition, it means that we have to go past our comfort zone and GROW in some way, shape or form.

This is where most of us self-sabotage ourselves, by picking up the phone and calling a Dreamstealer or by meeting up with them in person.

Instead of facing our fears of going beyond our comfort zone, it’s much easier for us to distract ourselves by getting around someone negative.

We get around them, and listen to them spew their poison.

When the conversation is over, we have allowed them to poison our aspirations.

However, another part of us justifies this by thinking “It’s good I called them, because they were totally having a bad day (yet again). I’m sure I made them feel better.”

And the destructive cycle continues.

You get to stay safe inside your comfort zone with your new aspiration now being suffocated and killed by the doubts injected into your consciousness by the Dreamstealer, and the Dreamstealer gets their “fix” of positivity for the day.
Shielding Yourself from Doubt / Fear and Negativity

2012 is all about letting go of this addiction.

It’s about surrounding yourself with positive, inspiring and encouraging people who will help you to GROW your dreams and aspirations, and will support your growth even if it means you having to get a little bit out of your comfort zone.

It’s about letting go of your co-dependencies on Dreamstealers who are just looking for their positivity fix. It’s time to let them discover their own light inside, not to offer up a piece of your own.

It’s time to fully embrace your dreams and inspirations and let your light shine.